Maxine Johnson Elementary School and Parma Middle School have Schoolwide Title 1 Status.
In a Schoolwide Program, the needs of ALL students are addressed. Reform strategies are incorporated into the overall instructional program for the purpose of meeting the needs of all the students in the school, which includes those children who are low-achieving and at-risk and includes providing advanced academic achievement to students who are beyond proficient. Schoolwide Programs include activities to ensure that students who experience difficulty attaining the proficient or advanced levels of academic achievement standards are provided with effective, timely, additional support.
In a Schoolwide Program, all core academic teachers must meet highly qualified teacher (HQT) requirements, and all instructional paraprofessionals must meet the professional qualification requirements. Core academic teachers and instructional paraprofessionals who do not meet these requirements must immediately be reassigned.
Program evaluation of Schoolwide status requires an annual evaluation of the Schoolwide Program using data--including the State's annual assessment data--to determine whether the Schoolwide Program has been effective in increasing achievement of students in meeting State standards, and must then revise the plan, based on the evaluation, to ensure continuous improvement of student achievement.
Title I: School, Parent and Family Engagement Policy
Parma School District Title I: Parent Involvement Policy
Parma Middle School
Parma Middle School Title: School, Parent and Family Engagement Policy
Parma Middle School Annual Title I Parent Meeting Presentation
Parma Middle School School-Parent Compact
Maxine Johnson Elementary
Maxine Johnson Title I: School, Parent and Family Engagement Policy
Maxine Johnson Elementary Annual Title I Parent Meeting Presentation