Policy Manual
- Section 100 - Educational Philosophy
- Section 200 - School Board
- Section 300 - Administration
- Section 400 - Personnel
- Section 500 - Students
- Section 600 - Educational Programs
- Section 700 - Support Services
- Section 800 - Business Procedures
- Section 900 - Buildings and Sites
- Section 1000 - Community Relations
Section 100 - Educational Philosophy
Section 200 - School Board
200 Guiding Principles
202 School District Name
204 Policy Adoption
205 Continuous Improvement Plan
206 Public Charter School
206F1 Application for Employee Transfer from Charter School
206F2 Application for Student Transfer from Charter School
207 Public Charter School Petition
210 Composition Board
212 Board Authority
214 Functions of the Board
215 Duties of the Board
216 Duties of Board of Officers
218 Code of Ethics
220 Advisory Committees
222 Complaint Resolution
224 Membership in State and National Assoc
226 Compensation for Expenses
228 Conflict of Interest
240 Trustee Zones
242 Trustee Qualifications
244 Trustee Election
246 Trustee Vacancy
262 Board Meetings
262P Board Meeting Rules of Order and Procedure
276 Access to Public Records
276F1 3-day Response
276F2 Response Letter
277 Record Retention
280 Waivers of Education Rules
290 Discrimination Prohibited
292 Accommodation Disabilities
292P1 ADA Complaint Procedure
294 Civil Rights Grievance Procedure
294P1 Civil Rights Grievance Procedure
296 Title IX Policy
296F1 Title IX Grievance Procedure - Reporting Form
296F2 Title IX Grievance Procedure - Notice Template (Complainant)
296F3 Title IX Grievance Procedure - Notice Template (Respondent)
296F4 Title IX Grievance Procedure - Notice Template (Witnesses)
296F5 Title IX Grievance Procedure - Notice of Delay
296P1 Title IX Grievance Procedure
Section 300 - Administration
300 Guiding Principles
302 Admin Appointment
304 Superintendent Appointment
305 Superintendent Evaluation
306 Superintendent Authority
308 Principals' Contracts
310 Principal Evaluations
312 Admin Personnel Expenses
314 Employing Retired Admin
350 School Calendar
354 Emergency School Closure
355 Health or State-National Emergency Plan
356 School Holidays
Section 400 - Personnel
400 Guiding Principles
400.10 Veteran Employment Preference
400.10F Veterans Preference Notice
400.50(Reporting New Employees
401 Employees with Disabilities
402 Criminal History
402.5 Reporting of Criminal Offense
403.50 Drug and Alcohol Testing
404 Employer Recommendations
404.50 Past Job Performance
404.50F2 Applicants Release Form
404.5F1 Applicants Authorization Form
405 Gifts to Employees
406 Investigating Abuse
406 Attachment
407 FMLA
407P FMLA Procedures
407 FMLA Attachment
407.50 Sick Leave
408 Jury Duty
409 Military Leave
409.50 Administrative Leave
410 Non-Discrimination in Employment
410.5 Misuse of Leave
411 Personnel Files
413 Political Activities
414 Sexual Harassment
415 Staff Protection
416 Whistle Blower
417 Employee Volunteers
418 Conflict of Interests
419 Workers Compensation Benefits
420 Safety Management Program
422 Name Clearing Hearing
422P1 Name-Clearing Hearing Procedure
423 Harassment
430 Paraprofessionals
440 Definition of Cert Employee
441 Assignment and Transfer of Certificated Employees
442 Code of Ethics
443 Certificated Evaluations
1 Responsibilities within the Formal Observation Process
2 Observation and Teacher Evaluation Schedule
3 Evaluator Letter 2010 Final Document
4 Forms Used within the Teacher Evaluation Process
5 Sample of Artifacts of Teaching Form A
6 Informal Classroom Observations Form B
7 Self Assessment Form C
8 Interview Protocol Pre-conference Form D1
9 Interview Protocol Post-Conference Form D2
10 Formal Observation Summary Form E
11 Teacher Lesson Reflection Form F
12 Summative Teacher Evaluation Form G
13 Individual or Group Prof Development Plan Form H
Parma - Forms Used within the Teacher Evaluation Process
Parma - Responsibilities within the Formal Observation Process
444.50 Grandfathered Renew Contract
446 Negotiated Agreement Terms
447 Recruitment of Cert Employees
448 Reduction in Force
448F1 Reduction in Force Form
448P Reduction in Force Procedures
449 Release from Contract
450 Release Time-Cert Employees
452 Suspension of Teaching Cert
453 Support Programs
454 Certificated Discharge
455 Master Teachers
456 Reading Programs
457 Supplemental Contracts
458 PT Employment-Job Sharing
458.5 Employing Retired Teachers
460 Certificated Employees - Informal Review Procedure
461 Qualifications-Certificated Personnel
462 Title 1 Comparability of Services
463 Title I Professional Development
464 FLSA Exempt Employees
465 Financial Emergency
470 Non-Certified Personnel
471 Non-Cert Employees
472 Salary Sched-Non Cert Employees
472.5 Retirement Severance Pay
473 Group Health Ins-Non Cert Employees
474 Eval-Non Cert Employees
475 Overtime Requirements
475 FLSA Non-Exempt Overtime Req
476P1 Non-Certificated Grievance
477 Absence without Pay-Non Cert Employees
478 Illness or Death-Non Cert Employees
480 Vacation Leave for Non-Cert Employees
498 Staff Student Relations
Section 500 - Students
500 Guiding Principles
502 Student Handbooks
504 Student Publications
506 Student Harassment
506.50 Bullying
507 Juvenile Sex Offenders
508 Foreign Students
509 Tracking Foreign Students
512 School Climate
514 Evacuation and Fire Drills
516 Freedom of Speech and Expression
517 Student Dress Code
520 Proof of Age and Identification
522 School Attendance-Truancy
523 Attendance Records
524 Student Driving Privileges
541 Prohibition of Weapons
542 Searches by School Officials
543 Student Suspension
544 Student Expulsion
545 Disciplining Students IDEA
546 Disciplining Students 504
547 Corporal Punishment
548 Theft of School Property
549 Prohibition of Gang Activities
550 Assault and Battery
551 Student Drug Alcohol Tobacco Use
552 Hazing Prohibition
553 Restraint and Seclusion
554 Relationship Abuse
555 Communicable Diseases
556 Academic Honesty
558 Accommodating Students with Seizure Disorders or Epilepsy
561 Administering Medications
561F1 Emergency Epinephrine Administration Reporting Form
561F2 Authorization for Self-Administration Reporting Form
561F3 Authorization for Self-Administration of Medication
561P1 Emergency Anaphylaxis Procedures
562 Exclusion for Communicable Diseases
563 Exclusion for Head Lice
564 Health Records and Emergency Treatment
565 Immunization Requirements
566 Student Suicide Prevention
567 Students with Living Will-Durable PoA
568 School Wellness Policy
569 School Wellness
569.50 Concussions
569.50P1 Procedures Regarding Concussions
570 Extracurricular and Co-Curricular Student Activities
576 Field Trips
577 Extended Field Trips with Attachment
578 Drug and Alcohol Testing of Stud Athletes
578P1 Procedures for Drug and Alcohol Testing for Ext. Activities
579 Student Groups
580 Extracurricular Prog Add-Reductions
Section 600 - Educational Programs
600 Guiding Principles
601 Guidance and Counseling
602 Accreditation
604 Personnel Standards
605 Curriculum & Standards
606 Selection of Materials
607 Elementary Required Instruction
608 Middle School Required Instruction
609 Middle School Credit
609.50 Course Credit Before 9th Grade
610 H.S. Grad Reqts
612 Opportunity Scholarship Program
614 Commencement
615 Diploma Designations
616 Early Graduation
617 IDLA Distance Learning
618 Correspondence Courses
620 Credit Acceptance for Transferring Students
622 Credit by Examination
623 Extended Learning Opportunities
623F1 Extended Learning Opportunities Form Students
623F2 Extended Learning Opportunities Form Sponsor
623F3 Extended Learning Opportunities MOU
624 Participation - Statewide Assessments
626 Promotion of Students
630 Dual Enrollment
631 Open Enrollment
631P Open Enrollment Procedures
632 8 in 6 Program
633 Dual Credit Programs
633F1 Dual Credit Programs Counseling Waiver
633.20 MAP
633F Advanced Opportunities Participation Form
633P Advanced Opportunities - Student Registration Instructions
635 Student Safety Measures
636 Public School Choice
638 Student Fees
639 Parental Rights and Involvement Policy
639F1 Parental Rights in Education Notification Reporting Form
639P Parental Rights in Education Procedures
641 Citiz, U.S. Const, Nat'i Flag and Colors
642 Communication Skills
644 Controversial Issues
646 Guest Speakers
648 Health and Wellness
650 Lesson Plans
652 Library and Resource Center Materials
652P Library and Resource Center Materials Procedure
652F Library and Resource Center Materials - Challenge Form
658 Social Studies
660 Technology
661 Prohibition-Reproduction Copyright Material
662 Driver Training Education
664 Workforce Skills
664F1 Work - Based Learning Release Form
664F2 Informed Consent Waiver and Release
668 Self-Directed Learners
668F1 Self-Directed Learners Contract
668P Self-Directed Learners Procedure
669 SPED Services Private School Students
670 Special Education
673 Reading Assessments
674 Limited English Proficiency Programs
676 Alternative Schools
677 Parental Involvement
677.10 Parental Involvement
677.50 Federal Impact Aid
678F1 Release Time Application
680 Transfer Student Records
680.5 Student Surveys
681 Student Records
681.5 SBOE Student Data Protection
694 Mobile Computing Devices
699 Technology Instruction
Section 700 - Support Services
700 Guiding Principles
701 Use of District Owned or Leased Vehicles
702 Student Transportation Services
716 Transportation Liability Insurance
718 Transportation Contracts
720 Activity Busing
720F1 Activity Busing Parent Consent Form
722 Unauthorized School Bus Entry
724 Transporting Students in Personal Vehicles
724F1 Staff and Volunteers Personal Vehicle Transportation Form
726 Safety Busing
730 Student School Bus Conduct
732 School Bus Emergencies
734 Transportation for Students in Foster Care
738 School Bus Driver
740 Duties of School Bus Drivers
742 Bus Driver Conduct
744 Bus Driver Alcohol and Drug Program
746 Bus Warning Violations
770 School Lunch Meals
771 Charging School Meals
Section 800 - Business Procedures
800 Guiding Principles
802 Fidelity Bond
804 Insurance
806 Bond Requirements for Public Works
808 Conditions for Use-District Vehicles
808F1 District Vehicles
810 Budget Planning and Adoption
812 Budget Adjustments
814 Monthly Budget and Treasurers Report
816 Bond and Levy Disclosure
820 Annual Statement of Financial Condition
822 Audit of Financial Statements
824 Financial Emergency
830 Gifts, Grants and Bequests
832 Income from Sale or Use of School Prop
834 Increase in Fees
836 Investments
838 Activity Funds
838F1 Activity Funds Form
840 Payroll Deductions
846 Travel Allowance
850 Purchasing
850.30 Purchasing Services or Personal Property
850.60 Service Contracts
850.90 Public Works Construction
850P1 Supplemental Purchasing Procedures
851 Supplemental Bidding Procedures
852 Issuance of Checks
854 Cancellation of Check
856 Lease-Purchase Agreements
857.50 Contracted Educational Services
864 HIPAA Privacy Rule Compliance
868 Use of School District Credit Cards
872 Inventory Records of Fixed Assets
876 Website Regarding District Expenditures
877 Federal Time Reporting
877F1 Time and Effort Supervisor Certification
877F2 Time and Effort PAR Report Form
877F3 Time and Effort Employee Certification
877P1 Time and Effort Procedure
880 Electronic Signatures and Records
Section 900 - Buildings and Sites
900 Guiding Principles
902 Building-Grounds Maintenance-Development
904 Building Safety
906 Asbestos Management Plan
908 National Motto
910 Rental-Use of School District Facilities
920 Acquisition and Sale of Personal Property
922 Real Property
927 Excision and Annexation of Territory
930 Contracts for Recreational Facilities
932 Use of Contract Services
934 Trespass-School District Properties
940 Camera Surveillance
942 Acceptable Use of Internet, Computer, and Network Resources
942F1 Internet Use Agreement
950 Tobacco Use
952 Changing Facilities
960 Employee Use of S.D. Equip
962 Use of District Trademarks, Service Marks, and Social Media
970 Service Animals
970P Service Animal Procedures
972 Facility Therapy Dogs
972F1 Facility Therapy Dog Request Form
980 AED
980P1 AED Procedure
982 Use of Naloxone by School Personnel
982F1 Naloxone Administration Reporting Form
Section 1000 - Community Relations
1000 Guiding Principles
1002 Parent Involvement-Educational Process
1004 Cooperation-Law Enforcement Agencies
1006 Sex Offenders
1006F1 Sex Offender Letter
1006F2 Sex Offender Petition
1010 Community Involvement
1012 Patron Complaint
1014 Communications with the Public
1020 Student Community Involvement
1022 Public Performance by Students
1024 Contests for Students
1026 Participation on Fund Drives
1028 Money-Raising Activities
1030 Student Support Organizations
1040 Gifts to Personnel
1042 Loan of School Equipment
1044 Advertising in the Schools
1046 Patron Conduct-District Programs-Activities
1050 Parental Notification-Teacher Qualifications
1054 Recruitment of HS Students
1055 Drones