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Transportation Department



Joseph Bingham
Transportation Supervisor
(208) 779-4069 ext. 1813

Dear Parents of Parma School District Bus Riders:
I am writing to provide an exciting announcement about an initiative that Parma School District has been pursuing for several months and is preparing to roll out on a trial basis beginning with your student’s routes.
As you may have seen in prior communication, we’ve partnered with BusRight - a transportation technology startup - to allow you to keep track of your child’s school bus route to and from school directly from your smartphone.
The BusRight app will allow you to, in real-time, follow your child’s bus route to and from school, receive notifications when the bus begins and ends its route, view the expected arrival time at your child’s designated bus stop, and receive ad-hoc communications from the Transportation Department.
We’re working closely with the BusRight team to perfect the system and, in the meantime, ask for your patience and understanding as we continue to make improvements.
Once launched, if you log in to the system and observe the bus appears to be offline it does not mean the bus route is not in operation - it is most likely the result of one of the following reasons:
● The bus route has completed its run and is back at the bus lot and not turned on.
● The driver is using a spare vehicle that is not equipped with BusRight's GPS tracking system.
● The GPS Tracking system on the vehicle is not online due to technical issues.
● If the route does not show as an option on your route list, you may not be assigned to the stop in the BusRight system - you can contact the Transportation Department at
Please note that if you have students on routes that are not yet being launched on BusRight, you may also see the live locations of those vehicles, but they may not be accurate until officially launched.
Questions or issues regarding the use of the BusRight app should be directed to
As always questions about your child's bus stop or route should be directed to the Joseph Bingham, the transportation supervisor at 208-779-4069 ext. 1813.

Bus Ride App Instructions

Parma School District #137 BUS RULES
The rules listed below can be found in the Idaho State Department of Education Pupil Transportation Manual Page A-5.

  • Students will have to leave all cell phones in a backpack or pocket, this is for the safety of our students and bus drivers.
  • Students shall follow the directions of the driver the first time given.
  • Students are permitted to carry on only items that can be held in his/her lap.
  • Students shall refrain from the use of profane language, obscene gestures.
  • No tobacco, alcohol, drugs or any other controlled substance on the bus.
  • Student shall go directly to an available or assigned seat when entering the bus.
  • Students shall remain seated and keep the aisles and exits clear at all times.
  • Students shall use classroom conduct at all times. (No yelling, screaming, hollering or loud whistling).
  • Students are not allowed to have candy, food or drinks on the bus as they are a choking hazard. Absolutely NO POPCORN, PEANUTS, SUNFLOWER SEEDS or SUCKERS.
  • Students cannot throw items on the bus, out the windows or into the bus.
  • Students will not be allowed to carry items that could be considered weapons, hazardous materials, or nuisance items on the bus.
  • Students shall respect the rights and safety of others.
  • Students will refrain from extending hands, arms, legs or other objects out of the bus window.
  • Students should be at the assigned bus stop 10 minutes before the scheduled pick up time for all incoming routes.
  • Students shall wait in an orderly line to avoid horseplay and fighting.
  • Students will only cross the road or street after the bus comes to a complete stop and the driver has directed them that it is safe to cross, this must be done in the front of the bus only.

Authority: Bus driver is authorized to assigned seats. Bus driver is authorized to deny riding privileges on a temporary basis. Only persons authorized by the district are eligible to ride the buses. (Pupils, Staff Members, Coaches, and Appointed Chaperones for field trips or activities). Citations will carry over to all routes and activity buses. They can also be carried over to the following year at the Transportation Supervisor recommendation.
If you have any questions, please feel free to call Joseph Bingham, the transportation supervisor at 208-779-4069 Ext 1813.

Click HERE for the Bus Rules in Spanish